欧米亚 · OMNIA CLUB|12/24-26 圣诞节主题派对 # 缤纷圣诞 #精彩回顾~~~

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圣诞狂欢趴  OMNIA CLUB  12.24-26 精彩回顾

这个圣诞节你需要一些别样的惊喜和感动  这个圣诞节你需要一些独特的温馨浪漫 这个圣诞节你一定需要我们的陪伴 错过这场圣诞 便错过了 You need some special surprises and touches this Christmas. This Christmas you need some unique warmth and romance You must need our company this Christmas. Miss this Christmas and miss

卸掉沉重的包袱 圣诞狂欢派对激情上演  甜蜜的邂逅,      从这里开始 ... Removing the heavy burden Release the pressure in a year Sweet Christmas party Sweet encounter start from here 来一场最难忘的圣诞狂欢 属于你最美的圣诞之夜 在特别的日子里 …  The Christmas party Belong to you on Christmas Eve 用酒精激发你的热情 用音乐震撼你的心灵 用火辣美女 温暖整个冬季 ... Stimulate your enthusiasm with alcohol Shock your heart with music Warm the whole winter with hot beauties 如果你相信 “总有一种圣诞属于你”  OMNIA CLUB 打造专属你的圣诞狂欢 ...  If you believe "There's always a Christmas for you ." OMNIA CLUB Create your own Christmas Carniva l

本策划出自:OmniaClub 更多酒吧圣诞节主题派对:http://www.paidui798.com/p/21751